How To Organize And Store Your Planner Stickers
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Are you ready to up your planner sticker organization game?! If so, you’ve come to the right place. This entire blog is dedicated to all things arranging as we walk you through some fool proof ways to organize and store your planner stickers.
Are planner stickers worth it?
Planner stickers are a practical tool that is used in planners, agendas, or journals that not only beautify them but make them 10 times more practical. Stickers are incredibly useful and fun, especially if you are a visual person, as they will serve as prominent reminders, making you less likely to forget a task. They’ll really help you fulfil your purpose – in style!
1. Planner Stickers Add Structure
Personally, I love a brand new, fresh planner that is waiting for me to fill with my exciting plans and upcoming adventures. At the same time, when it's completely blank, it can feel pretty overwhelming. It can feel stressful getting started, which is where planner stickers make all the difference. They help with structuring, dividing, and providing opportunities to break up the blank space and categorize your life, making your planner more user friendly, fun, and personalized.
2. Planner Stickers help with Easy Archiving
Let’s be honest…who has the time to flip through every page of their planner to try and remember something important?! Planning stickers will save the day and are a helpful tool when it comes to remembering important dates and events – especially things like birthdays and appointments. When you have events saved with stickers, you can quickly and easily spot what you’re looking for. No more forgetting, no more missed appointments!
3. Planner stickers let your creativity soar
We can all use a splash of joy in our lives – adulting is stressful and hard enough! Enter: planner stickers. They allow you to show your creative side by making your planner and agenda a heck of a lot more fun, colourful, and cheerful. Many people find that they are more likely to use their planner and feel on top of tasks if their planner is more of a celebration from stickers.
What are the different types of planner stickers?
The sticker world has completely evolved from what you may remember using as a child! Gone are the days of star stickers – now stickers exist for basically every occasion.
1. Functional Stickers.

These stickers are ideal for making lists and tracking important tasks. Functional stickers help you plan your day, week, and with dedicated designs and colour coded for various tasks. For functionality, I suggest my Girl Boss: This is my year stickers that include everything you need for inspiration including motivational quotes, functional stickers and classic dolls.
2. Sidebar stickers
These are very functional and can be used on the side of your monthly or weekly planner and can be placed either horizontally or vertically. Sidebar stickers are great for tracking a process, such as a creative process, filming process or even cooking process! Quite similar are flag stickers, and dot stickers. Flag stickers sit at the top or side of a page, in different colours and sizes to draw attention, whereas dot stickers are circular and great for colour coding bills, appointments, or reminders.
3. Decorative stickers
Decorative stickers are my jam. I love creating them and think they are incredibly fun! There are many incredible options that I have, including our cute Breakfast at Tiffany’s pack, Plant Lady pack, Black Girl Magic pack, Zodiac pack and more.
4. Holiday/Seasonal stickers
Similar to decorative stickers are Holiday/Seasonal stickers, to zhuzh up your planners for special moments throughout the year. Of course, you can use them outside of the traditional time – especially if you have upcoming travel planned. Some highlights are our Spring Bloom stickers that are bright and cheerful, or experience endless summer with the Summer Fun stickers that feel like a warm sunshine hug. We also have a great Winter land pack for the colder days.
5. Inspirational Stickers
Finally, another favourite of mine are inspirational stickers. These are useful for giving you that little extra push. Be the mom everyone envies with our Mom Life stickers that will help you keep track of your kiddo's appointments, school functions, events, and the ever-important reminders for self-care. You can work to stand in your power as you achieve and plan your personal goals with our Wild Things sticker pack. Or is your current mindset on a mission?! Keep hustling hard as your reach your work goals with our Heels and Hustle sticker pack, designed to keep you working hard while tracking everything you’ve achieved.
Depending on your organization's style and personal interests, you’ll be sure to find the right type of planner stickers for you.
Create A Storage System That Works for You
Once your sticker collection starts to grow, you’re going to want to create a system of storage that works best for you!
Depending on your personality, living space, and the way you prefer to use your planner, there are multiple options. Let’s start with storage systems.
A few storage systems that are great are:
- Sticker Storage Book/Photo Albums: these are a great way to keep everything in one set place that you can flip through with ease. You can arrange your stickers based on how often you use the different types – so you can put the stickers that you use all of the time in the front and ones you use less frequently towards the back.
- Hands Off My Stickers Sticker Album: This album is well made, designed with copper-gold wire-o binding featuring 25 sheets of sticker backing paper and 5 clear poly bags. This album is one of the easiest ways to store your stickers if you do a lot of travelling or writing in your planner on the go.
- Boxes: Boxes get bonus points if they are stackable! Boxes are a very functional way to store your stickers and you can colour coordinate to know which box stores which stickers. You can opt for small plastic see-through boxes or larger storage boxes.
- Accordion file folder: These file folders expand with around 12 different slots which are typically colour coded for ease of organization, making it easy to know where every sticker is.
- Index card holder: If you have smaller sticker packs, an index card holder is super handy and very easy to store away when not in use. You can also make your own or buy index dividers to compartmentalize your collection.
- Coupon organizer: Basically, a larger scale index card holder, a coupon organizer is good for travel and easy to sort out your stickers.
- Ziploc bags: Storage is storage, and clear zip-lock bags really do the trick! Ziploc bags are clear and come in a wide variety of sizes making them easy to coordinate your growing collection.
Don’t be shy to add another dimension to the organization by labelling each category with a sticker of its own. This adds another layer of sticker management and structure.
Sort Your Stickers by Type, Theme, Holiday, and Use
After you decide on what method of storage system fits your personality, you’ll want to work on sorting your stickers. I suggest you start this process by analysing what stickers you have and arranging them into different categories, either based on type, theme, holiday, or/and use.
Then, ask yourself: how do I typically look for stickers I need when working through my planner? If you gravitate to reminder stickers and decorative stickers more often than themed/holiday stickers – place the former at the front, the most accessible spot.
Continue with this organization process, then place your stickers into your storage system.
Determine where to store your collection
Do you have a crafting corner or a desk that you use for writing in your planner? If yes, that’s the best place to store your collection of stickers. If you don’t – no worries at all!
There are plenty of options to store your collection – at home and on the go.
- Craft storage cart: Most craft carts have a few tiers and are on wheels, so are extremely functional to move around the home and to different spots, depending on where you like to use your planner. They are available in a wide variety of colours and sizes and are best for larger collections (or growing collections!)
- 3-Layer Craft Organizer Box: These boxes are versatile and detachable with various storage compartments for your collection. They even have a handle for ease of transportation, making it easy to take with you on any trips or holidays.
- Bookshelves: Make space in an existing bookshelves for your sticker collection, which is very useful if you opted for the binder/album or file folder option to store your collection.
Whatever you opt for, choose somewhere that is accessible, so you never have to scramble or dig to find your collection.
Tips for Using Planner Stickers
I’ve got a lot of little tricks for using planner stickers.
Here are some of my favourites:
- Place stickers for due dates such as bills a few days before it’s due. This gives you sufficient time to organize your money, so you aren’t stressed with late fees.
- There are no rules when it comes to using planner stickers. Your planner and the stickers that you choose to fill it with should be true to your expression, personality, and creative voice.
- Pick a day and time to write in your planner, for a few minutes every week. It takes time to form a habit – so be gentle with yourself, but strict enough so that you stick to your goals. Using a planner is a great habit to form and stickers make it that much more fun.
- Colour coordinate, colour coordinate, colour coordinate! Pick colours for different activities or responsibilities and stick to it.
- Spend time arranging your sticker collection. Some people love to organize, others don’t. If you fall in the latter category, remember that it's short term “pain” for long term gain! You’ll never have to waste your precious time digging around for a specific sticker if you know exactly where it is.
- Pick a planner that makes sense to your life. There are mini pocket planners, personal planners, A5, medium, and large. If you are someone who is constantly on the go, like a mother or a real estate agent, you will likely benefit from a pocket planner you can just throw in your bag. A5/medium is the most popular size and is fun to fill with stickers. Finally, large planners are great for somebody who likes to spread out and design!
- When writing a to-do list in your planner, aim to do it at night before going to sleep. There is scientific backing that says when you do this, it can lead to decreased stress and anxiety and improved sleep.
- When it comes to your ‘to do list’ be sure to prioritize it, with the help of stickers to emphasize what needs to be done first.
- Always schedule in your planner pockets of time for indulgence and self-care – from massages to daily walks – whatever it looks like for you, schedule it in and remind yourself with a bold sticker.
- Get two planners: one for work and one for your personal life. Trust me on this one!
Where to Buy Planner Stickers
Stickering in your planner can absolutely transform your life, decrease stress, and aid you while you tackle this whole “adulting” thing. Are you ready to change your life and start building your sticker collection? There are so many places you can start your journey.
Of course, there is my online shop that sells a wide range of quirky, fun, and elegant planner stickers that I encourage you to check out. There are many other online sellers including:
Shops like Michaels and Walmart also carry many planner sticker supplies.
Happy stickering!
This article came just as I was pondering a solution to sticker storage. Thanks for the help,
I love the storage container ideas! I want to be able to see what I have so I use everything. Thanks:)
I am new to this style of journaling and this post helped so much! I just wanted to say thank you so much! 💕
Thank you so helpful
I find the smaller Amazon or ramen noodle boxes make great storage boxes for my stickers. The stand up perfectly in them. You just need to tape the bottom of the boxes so they can carry the weight of your many sticker books. Plus you can decorate the boxes to match your decor or in themes.